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OmnivoreItems(ItemStack) - Static method in class
onBlockActivated(World, BlockPos, IBlockState, EntityPlayer, EnumFacing, float, float, float) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.type.BlockFoodContainer
onBlockActivated(World, BlockPos, IBlockState, EntityPlayer, EnumFacing, float, float, float) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.type.BlockMacawPlush
onBlockActivated(World, BlockPos, IBlockState, EntityPlayer, EnumFacing, float, float, float) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.type.BlockMixtureCreator
onBlockActivated(World, BlockPos, IBlockState, EntityPlayer, EnumFacing, float, float, float) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.type.ZAWACageBlock
onBlockAdded(World, BlockPos, IBlockState) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.type.BlockMacawPlush
onBlockAdded(World, BlockPos, IBlockState) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.type.ZAWABasicBlock
onBlockAdded(World, BlockPos, IBlockState) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.type.ZAWAPlush
onBlockPlaced(World, BlockPos, EnumFacing, float, float, float, int, EntityLivingBase) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.type.BlockFoodContainer
onBlockPlaced(World, BlockPos, EnumFacing, float, float, float, int, EntityLivingBase) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.type.BlockMacawPlush
onBlockPlaced(World, BlockPos, EnumFacing, float, float, float, int, EntityLivingBase) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.type.ZAWABasicBlock
onBlockPlaced(World, BlockPos, EnumFacing, float, float, float, int, EntityLivingBase) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.type.ZAWAPlush
onContainerClosed(EntityPlayer) - Method in class mod.zawa.gui.type.mixture.container.ContainerMixtureCreator
onCraftMatrixChanged(IInventory) - Method in class mod.zawa.gui.type.mixture.container.ContainerMixtureCreator
onEntityUpdate() - Method in class mod.zawa.entity.water.EntityHawksbillSeaTurtle
onGuiClosed() - Method in class mod.zawa.gui.type.GuiAnimalData
onGuiClosed() - Method in class mod.zawa.gui.type.GuiAnimalStatics
onGuiClosed() - Method in class mod.zawa.gui.type.GUIAnimalTracker
onGuiClosed() - Method in class mod.zawa.gui.type.mixture.GuiMixtureCreator
onItemRightClick(ItemStack, World, EntityPlayer) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ItemHuntingRifle
onItemRightClick(ItemStack, World, EntityPlayer) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ItemShotGun
onItemRightClick(ItemStack, World, EntityPlayer) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ItemTranqGun
onItemRightClick(ItemStack, World, EntityPlayer) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ZAWANet
onItemRightClick(ItemStack, World, EntityPlayer) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ZAWATestItem
onItemRightClick(ItemStack, World, EntityPlayer) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ZAWATrackingItem
onItemRightClick(ItemStack, World, EntityPlayer) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ZAWAWhip
onItemUse(ItemStack, EntityPlayer, World, BlockPos, EnumFacing, float, float, float) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ZAWACommandWand
onItemUse(ItemStack, EntityPlayer, World, BlockPos, EnumFacing, float, float, float) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ZAWAEgg
onItemUseFinish(ItemStack, World, EntityPlayer) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ItemHuntingRifle
onItemUseFinish(ItemStack, World, EntityPlayer) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ItemShotGun
onItemUseFinish(ItemStack, World, EntityPlayer) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ItemTranqGun
onLeftClickEntity(ItemStack, EntityPlayer, Entity) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ZAWACommandWand
onLeftClickEntity(ItemStack, EntityPlayer, Entity) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ZAWANet
onLeftClickEntity(ItemStack, EntityPlayer, Entity) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ZAWATrackingItem
onLivingUpdate() - Method in class mod.zawa.entity.base.ZAWABaseLand
onLivingUpdate() - Method in class mod.zawa.entity.base.ZAWABaseWater
onLivingUpdate() - Method in class mod.zawa.entity.fying.EntityMacaw
onLivingUpdate() - Method in class
onLivingUpdate() - Method in class
onLivingUpdate() - Method in class
onLivingUpdate() - Method in class
onLivingUpdate() - Method in class
onLivingUpdate() - Method in class mod.zawa.entity.water.EntityHawksbillSeaTurtle
onLivingUpdate() - Method in class mod.zawa.entity.water.EntityOrca
onNeighborBlockChange(World, BlockPos, IBlockState, Block) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.type.BlockBamboo
onNeighborBlockChange(World, BlockPos, IBlockState, Block) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.type.BlockCarpetChange
Called when a neighboring block changes.
onNeighborBlockChange(World, BlockPos, IBlockState, Block) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.type.ZAWACageBlock
onPickupFromSlot() - Static method in class mod.zawa.gui.type.mixture.container.ContainerMixtureCreator
onPickupFromSlot(EntityPlayer, ItemStack) - Method in class mod.zawa.gui.type.mixture.container.craftmanager.MixtureSlotCrafting
onPlayerLogin(PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedInEvent) - Method in class mod.zawa.event.ZAWAEventHandler
onPlayerStoppedUsing(ItemStack, World, EntityPlayer, int) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ItemHuntingRifle
onPlayerStoppedUsing(ItemStack, World, EntityPlayer, int) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ItemShotGun
onPlayerStoppedUsing(ItemStack, World, EntityPlayer, int) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ItemTranqGun
onRenderGui(RenderGameOverlayEvent.Post) - Method in class mod.zawa.gui.GuiHandler
onTame() - Method in class mod.zawa.entity.base.ZAWABaseLand
Called when the entity is tamed with its tame item
onTame(EntityPlayer) - Method in class mod.zawa.entity.base.ZAWABaseLand
Called when the entity is tamed with its tame item
onTame() - Method in class mod.zawa.entity.base.ZAWABaseWater
Called when the entity is tamed with its tame item
onTame(EntityPlayer) - Method in class mod.zawa.entity.base.ZAWABaseWater
Called when the entity is tamed with its tame item
onTame() - Method in class
onTame(EntityPlayer) - Method in class
onTame(EntityPlayer) - Method in class
onTame(EntityPlayer) - Method in class
onTame() - Method in class
onTame(EntityPlayer) - Method in class
onUpdate() - Method in class mod.zawa.entity.base.ZAWABaseFlying
onUpdate() - Method in class
onUpdate() - Method in class
onUpdate() - Method in class
onUpdate() - Method in class
onUpdate() - Method in class mod.zawa.entity.water.EntityPufferFish
onUpdate(ItemStack, World, Entity, int, boolean) - Method in class mod.zawa.init.items.type.ZAWATrackingItem
orca_egg - Static variable in class mod.zawa.init.items.ZAWAItems
orca_plush - Static variable in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.ZAWABlocks
ostritch_fern - Static variable in class mod.zawa.init.blocks.ZAWABlocks
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